0208 7404 089


United Kingdom   10 Clifton Avenue PE3 6AY Peterborough United Kingdom



Sweden   Centralvägen 3, 141 46 Huddinge



Romania   Strada Republicii 2, Brasov 500030, Romania


Repair Liquid Damage


When turning your on nothing happens and no light appears? Repairs to liquid damage can be complicated because it is unclear how much damage the liquid has caused. If your has had a lot of liquid exposure it can often affect the screen and other parts too. Send the to us so our experts to repair it. The repair service will include replacing the broken parts with brand new genuine ones.

What can cause the problem?

got liquid damage.

What we can do?

We will inspect and repair the .
Additional devices need to be installed with SWS adaptors by technicians.
We will replace the broken parts only with brand new genuine ones, other wise indicated graded parts.

How much it would take?

While you wait services for: Different parts replacement and other faults.
The repairs will take up to 24 Hours if will be longer then that you will be notified by email.

Other faults

x error on start up
Inspection Only
Product Not Activated
Not Charging
Instrument Cluster Flashing
Liquid Damage
image and an X keeps blinking
LCD Display

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Sat-Nav Repairs LTD support@satnavrepairservice.com

Sat-Nav Repairs LTD

10 Clifton Avenue / PE3 6AY, Peterborough, United Kingdom 02087404089